Curley, Michael

Finance policy for renewable energy and sustainable environment by Michael Curley - USA: CRC Press, 2014. - 224 p - Energy and the environment .

1.Paying for the FixWhat Is Environmental Finance--
2.The Second WaveThe 23 Principles of Environmental Finance--
3.The 23 Principles of Environmental Finance--
3.The 2 Core Principles of Environmental Finance--
4.Policy Principles of Environmental Finance--
5.Management Principles of Environmental Finance--
6.Revenue Raising Principles for Environmental Finance--
7.Sources of Revenue for Environmental Finance Programs--
8.Financial Principles of Environmental Finance--
9.Financial MechanicsTypes of DebtThe Irregular Payment MethodBalloon Payment LoansLevel Payment MethodLevel Principal Payment MethodCash Available for Debt Service (CADS)CoverageComparing Financing Alternatives--
10.Comparing Loans--
11.Hidden and Not-So-Hidden Cost FactorsFinancing Costs--
12.Impact of Term on Annual Debt Service Payment--
13.Level Principal Payment LoansLevel Payment MethodGrants and AffordabilityGrantsAffordability--
14.The Role of Equity--
15.The Curse of SubsidiesThe Need for Subsidies Delivering the Subsidy Affordability Measures Designing Better Subsidies Subsidies: Some Real, Some Imagined--
16.Leverage: The Power of Guaranties Major Techniques for Financing Projects Rules of the Game--
17.Cost/Benefit AnalysesThe Benefit Matrix The Cost Matrix Case Study: Republic of Georgia Water Project --
18.Credit Enhancement Tranching Self-Funded Reserves Second Loss Reserve A Role for the International Development BanksTax Revenue Intercepts Externally Funded Guaranties Legal Guaranties Financial Guaranty Insurance --
19.TariffsCharacteristics of Good TariffsFull Cost Recovery TariffsTariff Design OptionsRegulation of Water Tariffs--
20.Climate Change and Renewable EnergyThe BeginningsFinance Policy for Climate Change and Renewable Energy--
21.Cap-and-Trade Programs--
22.Driving Down Costs Reduce System Costs Volumetric Tariffs Raise Money/Change Behavior Service Lives Longest Terms Lowest Rates Credit Enhancement Guaranties Buy-Downs Subsidies Carrots and Sticks Cost/Benefit Appendix: Countries with Non-Investment-Grade Ratings on Their Sovereign Debt

This book explains how environmental projects and improvements are achieved through the imposition of regulations, on the one hand, and financial incentives on the other. It discusses how those incentives can be organized to achieve the greatest environmental benefits at the lowest possible cost to the public. The book presents the best environmental finance policies to bear on the financing of alternative energy


Renewable natural resources

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