Sortore, Edith

Environmental science / by Edith Sortore - Oakville: Apple Academics, 2010. - 311 p.

1.Flow of energy --
2.Cycling of matter--
3.The solid earth--
4.The atmosphere--
5.The biosphere--
6.History and global distribution --
7.Carrying capacity--
8.Population growth --
10.Minerals --
11.soils --
13.Non-Renewable energy sources--
14.Renewable energy sources--
16.Air, water and soil--
17.Solid waster--
18.Impact on human health --
19.First order effects --
20.Higher order interactions--
21.Economic forces --
22.Cultural and aesthetic considerations--
23.Environmental ethics--
24.Environmental laws & regulations --
25.Issues and options


Environmental science

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