Griha manual - New Delhi : TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Press, 2011. - 5.v, (various Peging)

At head of title: Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment.

V. 1. Introduction to national rating system : GRIHA : an evaluation tool to help design, build, operate, and maintain a resource-efficient built environment --
v. 2. Technical manual for trainers on sustainable site planning health and well-being during construction --
v. 3. Technical manual for trainers on building and system design optimization renewable energy application --
v. 4. Technical manual for trainers on water and waste management sustainable building materials health and well-being of building occupants, building operation and maintenance --
v. 5. Technical manual for evaluators : a guide for assessing GRIHA documentation.


Green buildings
Sustainable buildings--India --Handbooks, manuals, etc
Sustainable buildings
Sustainable construction --India--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

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