Barton, Hugh

Shaping neighbourhoods: a guide for health, sustainability and vitality / Hugh barton ,Marcus grant and Richard Guis - London: Spon Press, 2003. - xi, 244 p.

1. Orientation and Principles Neighbourhood as Habitat. Neighbourhood in Focus. 2. Neighbourhood Checklists Community Checklist. Investors Checklist. 3. A Neighbourhood Planning Process Overview. The Collaborative Approach. Getting Going. Creating a Strategy. Making it Happen. Case Studies. 4. Providing for Local Needs People and Community. Access to Jobs. Access to Local Facilities. Planning Movement. Case Studies. 5. Use of Local Resources Energy. Water. Food, Waste. Biodiversity. Case Studies. 6. Neighbourhood Design Neighbourhood Character. Key Structuring Elements. Shaping Towns and Townships. Designing Places. Case Studies. Sources. Index.

Current policies in planning emphasise the importance of rejuvenating neighbourhoods. This new guide seeks to bridge the gap between rhetoric and reality, promoting an interprofessional and collaborative approach to making localities work


Grant ,Murcus
Guise ,Richard


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