Conservation of decorated surfaces on earthen architecture:
Conservation of decorated surfaces on earthen architecture: proceedings from the international colloquium organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA, September 22-25, 2004.
Edited by Leslie Rainer and Angelyn Bass Rivera
- Los Angeles Getty Conservation Institute 2006
- xv, 191p.
For millennia, people of all cultures have decorated the surfaces of their domestic, religious, and public buildings. Earthen architecture, in particular, has been a common ground for surface decoration, such as paintings, sculpted bas-relief, and ornamental plasterwork. This volume explores the issues associated with preserving these surfaces.
751.730288 / CON
For millennia, people of all cultures have decorated the surfaces of their domestic, religious, and public buildings. Earthen architecture, in particular, has been a common ground for surface decoration, such as paintings, sculpted bas-relief, and ornamental plasterwork. This volume explores the issues associated with preserving these surfaces.
751.730288 / CON