Bringing life to 'urban void' created by unutlized narrow gauge railway line at jabalpur /
Lalsare, Atul Wasudeo
Bringing life to 'urban void' created by unutlized narrow gauge railway line at jabalpur / Atul Wasudeo Lalsare ; Under guidance of Anand Jayant Wadwekar, - Bhopal : School of Planning and Architechture , 2012. - 44 p.
Master of Architechture ( Urban Design )
Soft copy not submitted
Bringing life to 'urban void' created by unutlized narrow gauge railway line at jabalpur / Atul Wasudeo Lalsare ; Under guidance of Anand Jayant Wadwekar, - Bhopal : School of Planning and Architechture , 2012. - 44 p.
Master of Architechture ( Urban Design )
Soft copy not submitted