Land drainage and flood defence responsibilities.
Land drainage and flood defence responsibilities.
- 4th
- London: Thomas Telford, 2010.
- xv, 136 p
1. Outline of responsibilities and statutes
2. Government departments
3. Environment Agenc
4. Internal Drainage Boards
5. Local authorities
6. Riparian owners
7. Differentiation between land drainage and sewerage
8. Development either side of a watercourse
9. Extension of the main river designation of watercourses
10. Development planning and management
11. Development in floodplains
12. Roadside ditches
13. Culverted watercourses
14. Grants and contributions
15. Mining subsidence and land drainage
16. Sea defense and coast protection
17. Land drainage and the environment
Drainage laws--England
Flood control
628.2 / LAN
1. Outline of responsibilities and statutes
2. Government departments
3. Environment Agenc
4. Internal Drainage Boards
5. Local authorities
6. Riparian owners
7. Differentiation between land drainage and sewerage
8. Development either side of a watercourse
9. Extension of the main river designation of watercourses
10. Development planning and management
11. Development in floodplains
12. Roadside ditches
13. Culverted watercourses
14. Grants and contributions
15. Mining subsidence and land drainage
16. Sea defense and coast protection
17. Land drainage and the environment
Drainage laws--England
Flood control
628.2 / LAN