Every right for every child:
Thukral, enakshi Gan
Every right for every child: governance and accountability / edited by Enakshi Ganguly Thukral - New Delhi: Routledge, 2011. - xxvi, 284 p.
Children and governance : concept and practice / Enakshi Ganguly Thukral --
Governance and child well-being : evidence and lessons from Africa / Assefa Bequele --
Measures to implement the convention on the rights of the child and good governance : the case of Serbia / Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic --
A story of neglect : children in Peru's public budgets / Enrique Vasquez --
Pedagogy of writing disabled children's rights into governance / Anita Ghai --
Overcoming barriers for getting children out of work and into schools / Shantha Sinha --
Children's impact on state governance : overarching issues / Kavita Ratna --
'Everywhere we go, our presence is felt' : reflections on a governance and budget-monitoring project in South Africa / Shaamela Casseim, Deborah Ewing, Mabusi Kgwete --
Monitoring the public budget with adolescents : the experience of Cedeca-Ceara / Margarida Maria Marques.
Children's rights--India
323.352 / EVE
Every right for every child: governance and accountability / edited by Enakshi Ganguly Thukral - New Delhi: Routledge, 2011. - xxvi, 284 p.
Children and governance : concept and practice / Enakshi Ganguly Thukral --
Governance and child well-being : evidence and lessons from Africa / Assefa Bequele --
Measures to implement the convention on the rights of the child and good governance : the case of Serbia / Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic --
A story of neglect : children in Peru's public budgets / Enrique Vasquez --
Pedagogy of writing disabled children's rights into governance / Anita Ghai --
Overcoming barriers for getting children out of work and into schools / Shantha Sinha --
Children's impact on state governance : overarching issues / Kavita Ratna --
'Everywhere we go, our presence is felt' : reflections on a governance and budget-monitoring project in South Africa / Shaamela Casseim, Deborah Ewing, Mabusi Kgwete --
Monitoring the public budget with adolescents : the experience of Cedeca-Ceara / Margarida Maria Marques.
Children's rights--India
323.352 / EVE